Hire Steve Montag, Your Nebraska Injury Lawyer
Delayed onset of symptoms is normal
Often you do not know how badly you were injured until days or even weeks after an accident. At the scene of an accident, you are excited and the adrenaline is flowing. Even if you were cut and bleeding, you may not notice that you were injured until you have time to settle down and stiffen up. Some injuries are very obvious. If you have a broken bone, the pain will get your attention immediately and it is normally easy to find. Other types of injuries are less obvious. Head and spine injuries often happen in car accidents. Some of the other frequent injuries are sprains, strains, and injuries to joints.
Injuries that do not show up on X rays are often called soft tissue injuries. Many of the neck and back injuries that occur in most medium to high impact accidents are treated by physical therapy or chiropractic. Even minor injuries to your spine can take several months to treat. Even if you do not know the full extent of your injuries until a while after the accident, you do not have to accept pain. However, it is important to seek medical treatment as soon as you decide you need it. Starting medical treatment as soon as possible after the accident helps prove that the injury was caused by the accident. Many times I have known people who waited months in significant pain without doing anything about it. That leaves you open to questions about whether or not a second accident after the time of your motor vehicle accident was the cause of your injury.
You Need A Nebraska Injury Lawyer For These Complex Legal issues
After you have been injured in a Nebraska accident you need the advice of an experienced Nebraska Injury Lawyer. Doing the right things during the time soon following a car accident is critical to making a successful injury claim. There are many possible circumstances that cause accidents. An injury victim or even an inexperienced injury lawyer cannot be expected to know what to do. Nothing can take the place of an extensive knowledge of Nebraska Injury Law and a wide variety of experiences. Steven Montag has helped thousands of injury victims make successful injury claims since 1998.
You only have one chance to handle your injury claim the right way
The initial statements that you make to insurance investigators can make or break your case. Insurance adjusters are trained to be very aggressive. They will use any information they obtain to deny or minimize claims. Minor mistakes while giving statements about your accident can be misconstrued as admissions of fault. A thorough initial investigation is required soon after the accident to prevent losing evidence. The decisions you make about your medical treatment soon after the accident are also very important. In my experience, whenever potential clients have waited for months to contact an Injury Lawyer, they are very likely to have made mistakes that seriously harmed their claims. Do not wait until you know your claim is in trouble to get the professional representation you need. Things go a lot more smoothly if you make good decisions from the beginning.
There are many types of injuries and losses caused by car, truck or motorcycle accidents
One of the first things we help our injury clients with is the property damage portion of the claim
The injury claim does not normally get finished until after a client is completely done with treatment and is medically stable but the car can get settled right away.
You may also lose time from work
You need to be compensated for the time you had to take off from work. One of the drawbacks of taking time off from work in Nebraska is that you will not get paid for the time you miss until the conclusion of your claim unless you have very good sick leave benefits. Many people use vacation time to limit their lost income. Either way, it is unfortunate to use up benefits that you will not have later. Staying home sick is a rotten way to spend your vacation.
Another concern about taking time off from work in Nebraska is that this is an at-will employment state. Your employer does not need a reason to fire you. If they get impatient waiting for you to return to work, you may end up paying the price by losing your job. When people get fired after an accident the employer will often refuse to help document lost wages. In Nebraska, it is very important to communicate with your employer and be as considerate as possible after an accident. It is important to get back to work as soon as reasonably possible after the accident and to schedule doctors’ appointments outside of your normal working hours whenever possible.
Accident Victims Need to Recover the Full Cost of their Reasonable and Necessary Medical Bills
Insurance companies will dispute medical expenses any way that they can, but they must be held accountable to pay for the cost of your treatment. They often try to dispute the cost of your treatment as well as the amount of time that you were treated as well as the medical necessity of your treatment.
Loss of Earning Capacity is another type of economic damages that must be compensated
Sometimes it is not possible for a person to return to the kind of work that they did before their accident. Often long-term impairments will make physical jobs impossible. It may be necessary to have retraining for other work or it may be possible that an injury will affect your ability to earn a living permanently.
Pain and Suffering
This is an expression used to describe several things. There is actual pain and suffering after an injury. There is also a lot of inconvenience and hassle of doing things like taking the time and trouble to go to doctors’ appointments. Being hurt also interferes with many things that you need to do in your daily life. Everyone needs to be able to walk and stand to work and do things around the house. How can you enjoy entertainment or sports if you are in constant pain? You might even be unlucky enough to have long-term problems and pain after an accident. You may no longer be able to do many things you enjoyed doing before the accident.
Consult an Injury Law Specialist
Each situation is different. Nebraska Injury Lawyer Steven A. Montag has the experience needed to help you make a successful injury claim after an accident in Nebraska. We have offices in Omaha and Lincoln to serve you. Call toll free at (800) 533-0067 for an initial consultation. There is never a legal fee until we win your case and make money for you.