Ride Share Injury Claims In Nebraska There are several additional hazards of using rideshare companies above the risks associated with using traditional taxis. I know that young people do not frequently call regular cabs anymore. Uber and Lift are much less expensive than traditional cabs, but the more that they drive in Nebraska and get involved in accidents, the more problems are apparent. Some…
How to be a Good Client There are many things you need to do after a car accident. It helps to have an injury attorney to help keep you going the right direction but there are many things you should still be aware of. One of the first hurdles that you will have to get past before you can make a successful claim is…
Liens on Personal Injury Claims The term lien is a legal term that most people are probably not even familiar with. If you have ever dealt with a lien it may have been related to a claim for money when there is a dispute with a mechanic or with someone who worked on your house. There are similarities between injury liens and with other…
Accident Injury Lawyer for Nebraska Steven A. Montag, a top accident injury lawyer in Lincoln Nebraska is dedicated to helping injured people. Motor vehicle accident injury claims are the focus of his entire practice. In Lincoln and all across Nebraska hundreds of accidents happen on most days. A motor vehicle accident can cause many problems You will have transportation problems because your vehicle has…